Maplehurst Volunteers

Please note that Maplehurst is not hosting in-person meetings at this time.

Have you thought of doing service work as a volunteer in men’s Corrections?

It’s a big commitment to make! Some may say what’s in it for me?

You can look at it as a learning experience going into correctional facilities can be quite rewarding! You will see for yourself what it’s like to be an inmate. There is no weekly commitment required. You can go in once a month or every other week, it can be flexible.

It’s a constant reminder of where I can end up if I choose to go back out. I have never regretted it and enjoy going in there. I have met some very good people in corrections and they also are very grateful for the volunteers that do go in every week.   – Ed N. (2018/19 Men’s Correction sub-committee chairperson)

Volunteers MUST be:

• 2 years criminal charge free

• 1 year clean and sober

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